Animating and rendering a Lego car with Maya

The actual animation part of the lesson was short as there is only so much you can do with a lego car at this stage. To make the car move, keynotes where used on a time line similarly to using keynotes in after effects. The only real difference is that every movement in Maya has its own curve that determines its movement speed which needs to be checked on at each stage. Most of the lesson was spent on making sure the car animation renders with as good quality as possible beginning with changing the ground plane to a wooden table using a picture ow wood which was provided. The background was changed to a HDR using a sky dome and another picture that was provided. It is the HDR providing the light for this picture. A separate camera was created to render from as it allows me to make adjustments to the car without changing the perspective. The main problem with the original render was that there was a lot of noise in the picture, making parts of the car at a lower quality so a large amount of time was spent reducing that by slightly altering textures. This all ended with me having to render each frame so it can be edited in after effects next week.


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