Hero object building work in progress for the what if metropolis project

This is the mane hero object that will be in the 3D scene that I am still working on. I have made halve of so I can do the UV's for halve the objects and the mirror them over after wards to save time. By this point all the objects geometry have been decided up ad I am halve way through the UV's. I encountered some problems such not being sure how to make the windows. I initially tried to cut them out of the base of the building but that distorted the geometry so instead I made separate pieces out of cubes for the windows that I then divided up and extracted. When I was making the barn scene in preparation for this the orthographic where actual screen shots of a finished version that made then completely accurate, however working from separately drawn ones I have found is not as accurate as one is slightly of from the other meaning I occasionally need to turn them of and match the parts up to the actual model. Encountered a strange problem where for some reason I cant put edge loops in certain places when dividing up the objects that I don't know how to fix.


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