Modeling a barn house in Maya

As part of the test scene we are making in Maya as preparation for creating are actual 3D scene we made barn houses. The barn house will be in the distance of the scene so not as much detail needs to be put into its model. Only halve of the structure was really made while the other halve was mirrored across. The base of the structure started as one solid object before edge loops and the cutting tool was used to make the holes as well as making sure all the shapes are quads or triangles if they had to be. Every beam was made individually starting from a cube had to be beveled to smooth the edges and have edge loops put in to divide the objects for when the textures are put in. At this point I understand how 3D structures and objects are made. The base starts as one structure that is extruded onto separate and cut to make the holes. From their all the side parts such as the beams are molded from cubes separately.


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