Photoshop lesson 5

Part of the project is taking out parts of the concept art and creating separate pieces of concept art for them that can then be turned into simpler orthographic drawings. This can also be used as an opportunity to change or improve the designs in the process. Which leads to this Photoshop lesson that was about just that. Here I took one of the buildings on the left of the concept art and improved it using references of brutalist architecture which are just below the concept art. The examples are of Habitat 67 and Trellik tower. Using the examples and some ideas I had, I started adding in more detail so it is more than just a box but somewhere that looks livable. Instead of having the cables just attached to the side of the building I added a generator where the power is stored that is also connected to the lightning spike that conducts the lightning from the clouds. Th Lightning spike is based of some thumbnails I did for it. I added some signs at the base for Aesthetic purposes. The rest of the building is based of the examples I found. The examples had their windows and sides bordered by part of the building that raise out of the wall which I added. The top of the border stick out as small columns which is seen on the Trellik tower. Along the top of the building I added some lights to illuminate the lower part f the building as the city is constantly overcast which means more light is required. Finally I divided the windows up into several smaller windows to imply there are several rooms and because just one long window looks unnatural.


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