Introduction to the Soundscapes project

One of the two new projects we where given as called soundscapes where we have to create a thirty second sound track for each of these images consisting of sound effects. The actual images are random for each person depending on what number we drew, my number was 27 which gave me these three. The sound effects can not be pre recorded which means they all need to be made from scratch by first collecting the sounds and editing them using adobe audition which is Photoshop but for music. Initial impressions of the images are that they are very different from anything I have seen before and they are also easy to interpret in different ways as well. Picture one sort of looks like it could be rain on a window but the blue color and consistency looks like it could sound like sludge, that said I am also seeing shapes where yellow parts are that remind me of plants or spores. The second picture is more than likely of microscopic life forms which for some reason reminds me of sea life with their bio illuminance, the black background indicates a void that could also be represented in sounds. Finally the third picture shows very sharp shapes that look like electricity to me or maybe cracks in rocks or even lights, the sounds for this image will certainly there sharp and spontaneous shapes.


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