
Showing posts from December, 2019

Reflective statement

Most of the problems I experienced in the what if metropolis project revolved around Maya as this is the first time that I had to make 3D models from scratch. The Orthographic's I made where not entirely accurate and while most where only slightly of, I ad problem where I couldn't visualize more complex shapes from different angles such as the arms and legs of the elephant bin that looked flat rom the front but more like cylinders from the side. I new making 3D modals takes a long time which is why I allowed more time for it and while it still took a long time, in the process I learned how to do certain parts that took a long time quicker such as for the main cube building in the scene where all of the borders where separate pieces that I could of made by extruding in the face as well as how to modal more organic shapes such as for the previously mentioned elephant bin which will help in the future. Probably the most important lesson I learned from this project is that more tim...

GIF of Matt painting being added to the set


Art of for the what if metropolis project

What if Metropolis Art Of by Charlie on Scribd

Research for the what if metropolis project

Research for What if Metrop... by Charlie on Scribd

Presentation for the what if Metropolis project

What if Metropolis Presenta... by Charlie on Scribd

Fedora final 3d set

This is the final Fedora set with Matt painting included. I made the buildings in the Matt painting darker so the buildings blend in better and painted part of the museum as ell. There is a rain texture o the front layer for the rain as well.

Fedor 3D set pipeline

An image made in photoshop showing the process of making the 3D set using several renders. The renders show the set in its default grey, then in wire frame and finally in color. To make it I layered the picture on top of each other and deleted sections to show the transition.

Art style Influence map

An influence map for the potential art style of the 3D set which will have a painted look.

3D set scene lighting

Here I have finished the lighting for the 3D set by mostly using glowing textures for the lamp posts and windows. The only other actual lights are a directional one to represent the sun and a dome for general lighting. While the scene doesn't take place at night it is over cast with rain clouds. One of the side walks is reflecting the objects next to it for some reason, not intentional but could be used to slightly reflect objects as the pavement is wet. There is a lot of noise that I need to get rid of but all that left is to block in the color and texture it, the UV's are already done so it should just be a mater of filling the in.

Matt Painting GIF


Final Scene for what if metropolis work in progress

With most of the UV's finished I spent most of today putting together the final scene based off the concept art I did for Fedora. The main problem I had was recreating the perspective I used in the concept art which required me to arrange the objects differently. That large tower in the distance is much farther away then it looks and isn't touching the ground as here you cant see most of it. The lamp posts are not in a straight line either because when I did that they didn't match the concept art. Only two objects are missing from this scene and then the lighting and textures can be applied.

What if metropolis matt painting

The background matt painting for the 3D scene which will be used instead of modeling the background mainly because I don't have time ti actually model this. Besides I don't know how to make clouds or rain in Maya. In the original concept the clouds n building where done last as only part of them was visible, as I am not entirely sure how accurate the 3D set will be to the concept art I completely filled in the clouds and building. There will also be a layer of rain in front of the set which is here but not entirely visible.

Last set of Orthographs for the museum and road

These should be the lat orthographs I need for the 3D models. By this point I have already made the road in Maya which leaves the museum that shouldn't take long. I only really need to make halve of one of the pillars which can then be mirrored and copied and pasted three more times. The ball in the middle will likely be made just by making a large sphere.

More finished models in maya

Wit these there is only one more model that still needs to be made being the museum that is a background object so shouldn't take as long. Picture one is the cleaning robot that will be quite small in the image so I don't think it will require much detail. Picture two is the road which will be the floor for the 3D set, for some reason I forgot I would need to make this. The last picture is off the towers which are far away from the camera and hence wont require much detail.

Lamp post and elephant bin work in progres

Besides UV,s and the fact they are halve of there former selves these two models are nearly done. Which leaves three to go of which two of which are halve done and are background models that wont require any where near the same amount of detail as these ones. For the lamp post I was shown how to make the ear and I replicated that for the bin by starting from a plane and using as few edge loops as possible to get the right shape which was then smoothed. That plane was then extruded and beveled to keep the shape. The trash goes down the ears of these bins so I made a hole by putting down two edge loops and extruding in the faces, I wanted the hole to curve so no other geometry was needed. The two curved parts on the lamp post where done in a similar way.

The shining film review

The Shining by Charlie on Scribd

Maya Finished buildings

Besides the light fixtures the main buildings are finished being modeled and having there UV's done. These buildings appear multiple times in the 3D scene so thiese buildings will be duplicated multiple times.

Life drawing session 9
