Reflective statement
Most of the problems I experienced in the what if metropolis project revolved around Maya as this is the first time that I had to make 3D models from scratch. The Orthographic's I made where not entirely accurate and while most where only slightly of, I ad problem where I couldn't visualize more complex shapes from different angles such as the arms and legs of the elephant bin that looked flat rom the front but more like cylinders from the side. I new making 3D modals takes a long time which is why I allowed more time for it and while it still took a long time, in the process I learned how to do certain parts that took a long time quicker such as for the main cube building in the scene where all of the borders where separate pieces that I could of made by extruding in the face as well as how to modal more organic shapes such as for the previously mentioned elephant bin which will help in the future. Probably the most important lesson I learned from this project is that more tim...